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2024 GFC Pool Rules

  1. Members must have their pool tag with them while at the pool.

  2. All members must sign in.

  3. All guests must sign in and must be accompanied by a member.

  4. Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult (18+).

  5. Swimmers must shower before entering the pool.

  6. Only swim attire is allowed in the pool.

  7. Children must wear a swim diaper, if applicable.

  8. A swim test is required for access to the diving area.

  9. Diving only in the diving area.

  10. No flotation devices allowed in the diving area.

  11. No hanging on the ropes or diving board.

  12. No flips or somersaults from the sides of the pool.

  13. No running or rough play.

  14. No unsafe ball throwing.

  15. No profane, inappropriate language or loud music.

  16. No glass of any kind is allowed in the pool enclosure.

  17. No smoking or vaping on the facility grounds.

  18. Bicycles and skateboards may not be used within the pool enclosure.

  19. Dogs are prohibited in the pool enclosure.

  20. Members and guests are expected to pick up after themselves.


Diving Board Rules 

  1. Only one (1) person on the diving board and ladder at a time.

  2. Wait until the previous diver reaches the ladder before diving.

  3. All divers must dive straight off the end of the diving board.

  4. Only one (1) bounce is permitted on the diving board.

  5. Cartwheels, handstands, and inward dives are not allowed.


Please Note: The pool rules apply to all members and guests. Failure to comply will result in loss of privileges. All persons use the pool at their own risk and responsibility. The Glen Forest Community Association (GFCA) does not assume responsibility for accidents or injuries in connection with use of the facilities. Changes may be made to these rules at the discretion of the GFCA Board of Directors at any time.

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